Summer Squash Caprese Salad

As summer winds down in this part of the World, here's a salad to savor the flavors of summer with grilled squash, fresh tomatoes in a caprese salad, simple and so good. 

  • two small squash - one zucchini/courgette and one yellow squash sliced.
  • 2 tomatoes slices, heirloom varieties in different colors work best.
  • a handful of fresh basil sliced.
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • a little olive oil.
  • a dash of balsamic vinegar.
  • sliced mozzarella.

  1. grill the squash with a little oil, salt and pepper.
  2. slice the cheese and tomatoes, arrange as above with the cheese in between 
  3. add basil and balsamic vinegar and garnish with edible flowers. 

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