How to Make Elderflower Syrup

Growing up in the U.K. there are many elderflower cordials and soda's with elderflower. Its a drink I often buy when visiting. Funny when I was getting the raised beds built at the farm one of the guys sold me an elderflower bush. It grew so quickly and I happily harvested some. I then walked down the end of the field and noticed the exact same bush growing and in fact they are all over the place. So maybe you will notice them in your area too. 

A simple syrup is easy to make and its great added to soda water for a fun summer drink and to cakes.  I think it would also be great in cocktails.

Freshly Harvested Elderflower, I even had a super cute little helper. 


  • 3 large bunches of elderflower 
  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 cups of sugar 
  • the juice of a lemon and the slices

  1. Add the water to a pan and bring to a light simmer
  2. add the sugar and lemon and stir for about 5 minutes until its all dissolved.
  3. let the syrup sit and cool then add the elderflowers to the top.
  4. cover and place in the fridge overnight.
  5. the next day sieve through a cheese cloth and add to jars. It can stay in the fridge for a couple of weeks. 

How will you use your syrup? 

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