Dominican Style Creole Fish

The first evening we arrived in The Dominican Republic we stopped in La Romana to eat and we had local grouper in a Creole sauce. Its a simple sauce with onion, bell pepper and tomato and creole seasoning and can make a fast meal. 


  • 4 pieces of flounder, sole, tilapia or any fish 
  • one small green pepper diced
  • 1/2 a red onion diced 
  • 3 tomatoes chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic chopped 
  • 1/2 teaspoon creole seasoning 

  1. saute the onion, green pepper and garlic for about 5-10 minutes then add tomato and let it reduce down add the creole seasoning 
  2. meanwhile grill or pan fry/ poach the fish for 5 minutes 
  3. add to the creole sauce and poach for another 5 minutes 
  4. serve with seasonal vegetables, or salad and rice 

Its always fun picking up spices from your travels and re creating dishes on your return home, it will bring back memories of your trip for years to come and it adds pizazz to your culinary repertoire. 

Hugs Rebecca 


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