Lentil and Sausage Stew

This meal was cooked for new year after seeing all the Italian blogs with lentil and sausage recipes I got craving it and round foods are supposed to be good luck or so they say :-) It was easy to make and so good for you. Some of you may have made new years resolutions and since we are now going into February maybe even struggling. I must confess I never really make them and I feel its best to eat healthy all year surrounding yourself with a network of supportive like minded people. 


  • one pack of chicken sausages or any of your choice
  • one cup of brown lentils
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped 
  • 1/2 a red pepper chopped 
  • one small zucchini chopped
  • one small can of tomatoes 
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • salt to taste 

  1. boil the lentils for about 20-30 minutes until cooked and set aside
  2. saute onions and garlic in olive oil for about 5 minutes
  3. add the red pepper and zucchini for about 7 minutes until soft
  4. add the can of tomatoes 
  5. then add the chopped cooked sausage and lentils and simmer for 15 - 20 min
  6. serve with polenta 

We returned home from the huge what seemed like a round the world trip last night, so good to be home and excited to get cooking again, thanks for joining us 


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  1. Perfect healthy meal after a long tiring journey..looks delicious too...

  2. While we've been eating our way through a large quantity of lentil soup, I am glad to be reminded how long it's been since I've made polenta. Note to self ...

  3. Mouthwatering, Rebecca!
    So enjoyed seeing updates of your trip along the way...

  4. Delicious this is an awesome filling meal.

  5. I love lentils.are my favorite an this look delicious!:)

  6. Love lentils, bet this tastes good. Diane

  7. Nice.. I haven't thought of combining lentils and sausage :)

  8. I definitely will be making this (sans sausage) for my vegan diet!

  9. Lovely idea, just the thing for a January evening!

  10. My lil one will go crazy if he saw this stew,delicious;

  11. oh YUM! look at all of those flavors!

  12. A perfectly hearty and beautiful stew!

  13. c'est bien appétissant j'aime beaucoup
    bonne journée

  14. ooh and you put it with polenta, wow. Love this this is said to be good luck. Typo perhaps in ingredients "park" chicken sausage, no?

  15. I'd never heard about round foods being good for you. Thanksa lot, you just taught me something new. The recipe looks delicious.

    Greetings from London.

  16. Wow! Rebecca, those lentils look so good that I guess tomorrow will be lentil soup here. Thanks for sharing.


    PS> Enjoyed all the pics.

  17. There was something similar to this on Pinterest that looked good too. Love the combination of lentils and sausage!

  18. That sounds delicious! Hearty and healthy too...

  19. I like the combination of sausage and lentils...and yum over polenta...great meal!
    Have a wonderful weekend Rebecca!


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