
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Beef, Vegetable and Farro Soup

We recently had snow and the kids were off school for 3 days, after sledding and playing in the woods, nutritious and flavorful soups fit the bill, they also make great leftovers. Embracing and eating leftovers is a great way to decrease food waste also. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

McLeod Plantation, James Island, SC

On a recent trip to the Charleston area we visited The McLeod Plantation. When I was looking for places to visit I read all the websites and reviews of the area plantations and the admission rates. After much thought I decided that McLeod would be a great fit for us and great for the kids. Most of the plantations have a strong focus on the history of the family that owned the plantation showcasing their success and immense wealth.

 Allowing you to tour lovely gardens and old homes full of antiques while this is still enjoyable to be honest it only tells 1/2 of the story. On a visit to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's house a few years ago I was impressed by the tour about the enslaved people and was pleased to see the museum making an effort to tell their story. This is a positive trend in recent years. 
Much of history is difficult and uncomfortable but shouldn't be brushed under the rug it should be embraced and told it shaped America and its important for us all to learn. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Carrot and Lentil Soup

 Soups are perfect cold weather food, easy and nourishing and they help in season produce to shine, these carrots are from a farm near mine. We grew a few but somehow we never seem to plant enough.
This soup reminds me of Scotland as you find a lot of lentil soups on menus there and I feel the Scots are very good at making soup.