Optimal Diet for a Good Mood

A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry shows that processed or junk food contributes to depression. Food and mood data was collected from 3,486 men and women in London over 5 years. The processed food pattern of eating more sweets, fried food, high fat diary and refined grains was associated with a higher chance of being depressed. Compared to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish and whole grains.

The researchers list some tips for optimal physical and mental health:

  1. Have breakfast, breakfast eaters consume more fiber calcium and micronutrients
  2. Eat sweets on occasion
  3. Snack on apple, cheese, carrot sticks and nuts
  4. Read Food labels
  5. Limit salt intake
  6. Make eating together as a family a priority

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  1. I like that! And everything in moderation!

  2. Love the list of things that we can do for a healthy diet! Our family eats dinner together every night and it definitely bonds us. :) It's understandable that people who eat fast food or high fat foods are more depressed. A good research.

  3. makes sense! i always feel better when i'm eating lots of whole grains, fruit, and veggies.

  4. Claudia: smiles
    Lyndsey: well said
    Gulmohar: i know great research
    Jhonny: lol
    peachkins: thanks so much
    Sook: great job on eating together as a family
    Emily: oh me too

  5. love the list!

    i always look at food labels, ive been trying to snack on apples and carrots, AND we always had dinner everynight together as a family growing up, it was such a great memory!

  6. Amen- it's the truth. We are what we eat.
    Thanks for the gentle reminder to pay attention to the food that we put in out bodies.

  7. I have no problem staying away from junk or fast foods it is chocolate I fall for; oh, I think I need to get a little piece right about now!

  8. Hmmm. Interesting considering people eat junk food to make themselves "feel better"/for comfort. It's a vicious cycle!
    Thanks for the info! :)

  9. Rebecca, these are wonderful tips to follow. Just think, if we all eat like this; the world would be a better place.

    Lets hope that we take your lead and one-by-one make it so....

  10. Optimal health for sure! These 6 tips are essential in my world. I am always mindful as to how I feed myself and my family. I wish more people would recognize these truths, thanks for creating more public awareness!

  11. all very good and common sense points...unfortunately we don't seem to be able to practice common sense much it seems!

  12. Such good solid advice ~ thank you for the reminder!

  13. I actually do a lot on my that list! Maybe that is why I am feeling better.

  14. I love this post!
    Hope to see you tonight at HHM! If not then we'll get together another time! Have a great weekend!

  15. Claire; oh great snacks and your family did great job eating together
    Velva: oh my pleasure
    tasteofbeirut oh I am the same choc is a tough one!
    Reeni no probs
    Sybil i know its a cycle and hard to beak
    Mimi: smiles
    Deb: thanks
    3 hungry tummies no probs
    Sam: smiles
    George: smiles we can try for for sure if we feel happier the World would be better LOL
    Marla: great job on eating well and providing healthy food for your family folks will be inspired
    Trish: its tough but we try
    Mari: my pleasure
    mom the run: great job smiles
    Catherine: will stop by lol

  16. I don't see anything about bubble baths and sleeping children!:)

  17. foodie with little thyme: smiles i hear ya
    chakhlere: thanks

  18. This is great info. We all need it so we're all happy and smiling. :D

  19. Great tips!!It is always a fight b/w my temptations and my wt loss goals...


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